
On the Environment to the People of the Gui

AndSince we’re here tO talk about saying the environ— ment,ⅡwanttOthankAmbassadorLiforgiv冚gme。thisener— gY—e“icient air condltioner.’(Laughter.)SinceChineseCiviiizatiOnCrst began(O express itsel{ thousandsOf years ago,“s poems and pain“ngs have sungOf the beautyOf thC land,the air,Ihe water.NO place inChiua is more evocatiVe30{the beautyO(yourcountrythanCuilin.The-水unning mountains aJong theLiRiverareinstantly familiartO milliOns and milliOnsOfAmeticans.When we see them,the landscapesOfGuilin remind usOfChina’s past,bUt we know they are alive,and we are grateful for their preservatiOn4.A new senseOfcooperatiOn is building between{he peopleOfChina and the peopleOf theUnitedStates,based on our shared tieSOf commerce and cu[ture,our common securitV in— terests,and our common enthUSiasm fOr the future.But a big partOf that cooperatiOn must‘rest ons our common under— standing that we“ve on the same planet, sharing thc same oceans,and breathing the same a让.NOtSO many years ago in theUnitedStates,oneOf our“vers wasSOp01luted itactuallycaughton“re.。FoHlair blan— keted our ci“es6,。acid rain’blighted our1andscape.Over the1aSt generatiOn,we have worked hard to restore our natural treasures and tO hnd a way conduct our economy tha( iS more+in harmonyWith8[he enviror~ment.China’s extraordinary growth has put the same kindOf pressures onyourenvironment,and thecostsOfgrowth areriS— ing right along w“h your prosperity.YOU knOW better than l that p01]uted air and water are threatening your remarkable progress.‘Smog has caused entireChinese cities tO disappear2.这个有效地节约能源的空调器。这里是克林顿说话的幽默,实际上指李大使送给他的一把扇子。3.唤起感情的,引起回忆的(of)4.保护,保存5.依靠,依赖6.污浊的空气笼罩着我们的城市。7.酸两8.与……是协调一致的——23-—[he beginmingOfajOintinitiativeonclcanenergy.“Thisweek we have made important new progress.We will providcC山na assistance to menitorl9air quali(y.W亡will increase our support for programs(ha( support renewable20 energy sources tO de— creaseChina’s dependence on ceal.We are helpingChina develOp its‘coal gasificatiOnZl and wotking with theChineseIO make hnancing available forclean energy projects through theExpert—IreportBank.Because theUnltedStates andChina are lhe wotld’s two)argest emittersOf‘greenhouse gaseszztha'are dangerously warming our plan— eI,we must dO more tO avold increasmg severe droughts and floodsand[heO{h亡rkindsOfdestructlvethingsthatwillOccur.Let me say,Mr.Mayor,1 wantIO extend my sympathies[O you on beha[fOf theAmerican peeple(or the{amilies whO suffered10sses in the recent f100ding here.h occurred iUSt a{ew days ago,and someOf our youngAruericans were already here wotking on the lrip.They were honored tO be able tO wotk with you in someOf thc sandbagging andOther things tha{were done.But we grieve with you in theIOsses that were sustainCd23。;We cannot completely eliinmate f100dsand“resandOther natural山sasters,but weknow:he夕wjll get worse汀wedOnot dO something about g10baL warming.There are many peeple whO simply don’t be“cve that anything can b亡done about it because lhey don’[believe[ha(you can grow an economy un— leSS you use energy in th亡same wayAmcriCa andEurope have used it fOr the1ast50 years——moreand moreenergy,moreand more p011u[iOntOget moreandmoregrowth.That’swha(they believe.ButI山sagree,18.在10月份举行的最高领导人的会谈中,江主席和我检查了联合开发清洁能源的起始工作。19.监测,检验20。可更新的,可重新使用的21.煤的气化22.(产生)温室效应的气体23.遭受,蒙受—-25一一

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